Updating an Existing Recipient

Updating an Existing Recipient

In the Portal, the Recipients Detail page displays information about a current Recipient. 

  1. From the Portal, click the Menu button on the left and choose Recipients.
  2. Enter the Recipient’s Name and click the Apply Filter (Search) button to locate the Recipient. 
  3. Mouse over the Recipient you want to update, the area turns grey, click anywhere in that area.
  4. To edit information about the Recipient, click the Edit Recipient (pencil) button.
  5. From the Update Recipient page, click in the field you wish to update and make the changes. 
Some useful fields that might need updating or you may need to add for a Recipient includes:
  1. Preferred Phone – the phone number the Recipient wants used, this overrides the “Phone” field in, and does not get overwritten by the Residential Data Management system.
  2. Preferred Email – the Email the Recipient prefers that is used to send notifications to, this overrides the “Email” field in, and does not get overwritten by the Residential Data Management system.
  3. Alternate Email – An additional Email that the Recipient wants to include (someone else in their household) to also receive their notifications.
  1. Click the options (on=blue, off=white) which apply:
    1. ADA Required - Click On if the Recipient requires handicap accessibility. This will notify a Courier to place all items on a lower shelf for this Recipient.
    2. Opt-Out of System – Click On if a Recipient does not want to use the Smart Package Room for item delivery. The system will not accept any items for this Recipient.
    3. Enable Email Notifications – On by default. The Recipient will receive Email notifications. Click Off if the Recipient does not want to receive Email notifications.
    4. Enable SMS Notifications - On by default. The Recipient will receive SMS text notifications. Click Off if the Recipient does not want to receive SMS text notifications.
    5. Require Address Verification – If this option is On, the Courier must verify the address before delivering the item. This is useful when there are multiple Recipients with the same name living in the building, designed to prevent mis-deliveries.
  1. When complete, click the Update Recipient (checkmark) button. Click Cancel to exit the page and not save the changes.

For detailed instructions with images and to download SPR Guides, see the Reference Documents in the Knowledge Base.

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