Staff Quick Reference

Staff Quick Reference

Click below to download the Staff Quick Reference.
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    • Deactivating a Staff Account

      To remove a Staff account, follow these instructions. From the Portal, click the Menu button on the left and choose User Admin, then Staff. From the Staff page, click the Arrow to select the Staff member you want to deactivate. From the Staff Detail ...
    • Adding a Staff Member

      If you didn’t Invite the Staff member, you can add them by entering an Email address of your choosing. Note: In most cases, we recommend you invite the Staff member instead (see "Invite a Staff Member"), and allow them to enter their own personal ...
    • Inviting a Staff Member

      To add a Staff member to access the Smart Package Room, you can send them an Invite and have them enter their information (Email, phone, etc.). From the Portal, click the Menu button on the left and choose User Admin, then Staff. Click the Invite ...