Adding a Courier

Adding a Courier

Add a courier to the SPR Portal to give them access to your Smart Package Room.

  1. From the Portal, click the Menu button on the left and choose User Admin, then Couriers.
  2. From the Couriers page, click the Add Courier (+) button.
  3. On the Create Courier page, fill in the appropriate information:
    1. From the Carrier menu, select a carrier, or select Custom to add a custom carrier that is not listed in the menu.
    2. From the Service menu, select: Any, Ground, Express, Expedited, or Overnight.
    3. Enter the First Name and Last Name of the Courier or enter something like UPS (as the first name) and Courier (as the last name).
  1. Click the Create Courier (checkmark) button.  The new Courier is now added to the list of Couriers.
For detailed instructions with images and to download SPR Guides, see the Reference Documents in the Knowledge Base.

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