About the Room Map

About the Room Map

Some helpful guidelines about the Room Map:
  1. The “You Are Here” indicates the location of the kiosk and where the recipient is standing prior to entering the room. This gives an overall view of what shelf the package is located on in relationship to where they are standing.
  2. The shelf number will blink blue indicating what shelf the package is on.
  3. The live image on the right will indicate with a blue box the actual package and its’ location.
  4. The Package Pickup section indicates the number of packages to be picked up for that recipient, the Tracking Number, and the status of the pickup (To Pickup, Queued (to be picked up next)).
  5. In the lower-right, a small image of the scanned in package label and the package location also displays.
  6. For more details about the package, touch Package Details in the lower left to display additional details about the package.

For detailed instructions with images and to download SPR Guides, see the Reference Documents in the Knowledge Base.