2. Staff Assisted Delivery, Pickup, and Room Maintenance

2. Staff Assisted Delivery, Pickup, and Room Maintenance

Click the link to view a short video on what staff can help with (delivery, pickup, and room maintenance).


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      Click the link to view a short video on how to perform a Staff Assisted package delivery. https://marketscale-4.wistia.com/medias/kz16z34ad2
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      Click the link to view a short video on how staff can help a resident (recipient) pick up their package. https://marketscale-4.wistia.com/medias/9ajku6vxpf
    • 9. Room Maintenance

      Click the link to view a short video on how you can perform maintenance on your room. https://marketscale-4.wistia.com/medias/5gcw0wfh87
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